Extend battery life by up to 60%!

Digital Twins for Battery Intelligence

Harness the power of advanced analytics and battery science with Altergo’s Digital Twin platform. Elevate battery performance, reduce costs, and deliver exceptional customer experience






Application & Insights

Implement recommendations and integrate insights into mission critical applications

Prediction & Simulation

Perform predictions and simulations based on our cutting edge AI/ML and semi empirical models


Group digital twins into operational clusters to support deployment scenarios & maintenance strategies

Modeling & Instantiation

Define & build virtual digital twins that encapsulate complex hierarchical relationships in physical systems

Data Ingestion

Load field, lab, and transactional data to the Altergo platform in batch or real time using the data ingestion API



Battery digital twins

Revolutionize your battery management with Battery Digital Twins a virtual replica of your battery system, enabling predictive analysis, real-time monitoring & optimization for performance.

Warranty & Performance Management

Maximize your battery investment with our Warranty and Performance Management module. Proactively monitor and manage battery performance, while ensuring warranty compliance and minimizing downtime.

Reporting & Visualisation

Experience unparalleled insights with our Reporting and Visualisation Tools. Get clear, concise & real-time data in a customizable dashboard, enabling you to make decisions.

SDK & API Integration

Altergo offers a comprehensive set of APIs that expose the platform's full functionality. Customers can integrate Altergo into their existing workflows using our APIs, code samples, and extensive documentation

State of Health (SoH) &

State of Function (SoF) Estimation

Get unparalleled insight into your battery's health and performance with State of Health and State of Function estimation. Plan for maintenance and replacement with accurate predictions for maximum efficiency.

Function Manager

The Function Manager is a core component of the Altergo platform, enabling our customers to invoke custom or standard functions on their digital twins. The Function Manager assists in automating mission-critical tasks according to a customizable schedule

  • Battery digital twins

    Revolutionize your battery management with Battery Digital Twins a virtual replica of your battery system, enabling predictive analysis, real-time monitoring & optimization for performance.

  • Warranty & Performance Management

    Maximize your battery investment with our Warranty and Performance Management module. Proactively monitor and manage battery performance, while ensuring warranty compliance and minimizing downtime.

  • Reporting & Visualisation

    Experience unparalleled insights with our Reporting and Visualisation Tools. Get clear, concise & real-time data in a customizable dashboard, enabling you to make decisions.

  • SDK & API Integration

    Altergo offers a comprehensive set of APIs that expose the platform's full functionality. Customers can integrate Altergo into their existing workflows using our APIs, code samples, and extensive documentation

  • State of Health (SoH) &

    State of Function (SoF) Estimation

    Get unparalleled insight into your battery's health and performance with State of Health and State of Function estimation. Plan for maintenance and replacement with accurate predictions for maximum efficiency.

  • Function Manager

    The Function Manager is a core component of the Altergo platform, enabling our customers to invoke custom or standard functions on their digital twins. The Function Manager assists in automating mission-critical tasks according to a customizable schedule

Looks like a good fit?

Looks like a good fit?

Don't let battery management become a headache - let Altergo's Battery Intelligence Platform take care of it for you! Get in touch with us today to learn more about our comprehensive battery management solution

Don't let battery management become a headache - let Altergo's Battery Intelligence Platform take care of it for you! Get in touch with us today to learn more about our comprehensive battery management solution

Looks like a good fit?

Don't let battery management become a headache - let Altergo's Battery Intelligence Platform take care of it for you! Get in touch with us today to learn more about our comprehensive battery management solution



Predictive Maintenance and Optimization

Range Estimation Algorithms for EVs

Intelligent Charging and Energy Management

Real-time Performance Monitoring and Control

Electric Motor and Powertrain Performance Analysis

Grid Balancing and Demand Response Management

Design and Simulation for New Battery Technologies

Thermal Management System Optimization

Asset Performance Optimization and Lifecycle Management

Looks like a good fit?

Don't let battery management become a headache - let Altergo's Battery Intelligence Platform take care of it for you! Get in touch with us today to learn more about our comprehensive battery management solution

Battery digital twins

Revolutionise your battery management with Battery Digital Twins an virtual replica of your battery system, enabling predictive analysis, real-time monitoring & optimisation for superior performance.



With Altergo's Battery Intelligence Platform, you can say goodbye to guesswork and hello to data-driven decision-making. Our platform provides you with unparalleled accuracy and predictability for your battery needs, allowing you to optimize your battery usage and maximize its lifespan.

With Altergo's Battery Intelligence Platform, you can say goodbye to guesswork and hello to data-driven decision-making. Our platform provides you with unparalleled accuracy and predictability for your battery needs, allowing you to optimize your battery usage and maximize its lifespan.



MWh under management


Countries covering our customer base


Years of experience in battery ecosystem


Vehicles deployed with us

40 mn

Maxwell Energy acquired by Endurance Group


EV OEMs using our technology


MWh under management


Countries covering our customer base


Years of experience in battery ecosystem


Vehicles deployed with us


Maxwell Energy acquired by Endurance Group



  • Akhil Aryan

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Alex Collet

    Chief Technology Officer

  • Debrup Mitra

    Head of Business Development & Partnerships

Akhil Aryan

Chief Executive Officer

Alex Collet

Chief Technology Officer

Jean-Baptiste Collet

Head of Software Engineering





  • Plus Power leverages Altergo to strengthen in-house battery modeling and R&D

  • esVolta selects Altergo to improve operational efficiency of its battery energy storage projects


Saving $112k in Liquidated Damages


4X faster time to market with automated R&D


Enabling 2X warranted life on Intercity Electric Buses


© 2024 Altergo. All rights reserved.

© 2024 Altergo. All rights reserved.

© 2024 Altergo. All rights reserved.